Being a senior in 2020 is definitely a never ending joke. How did the class of 2020 go from being the class with 20/20 vision to the one that is graduating via zoom?
Personally, I’ve been struggling with comprehending that the one thing that I have been working towards for the majority of my life is gone. It’s like a runner finally seeing the finish line only to see that it’s been taken away. During quarantine, it’s been hard for me to keep up with friends outside of school. If you’ve been going through something similar, here are some ways I’ve been coping.
I like to pray before I go to sleep but you can pray at any time. I also like to look at sermons by Pastor Mike Todd throughout the week which has been really helpful. His sermons on Relationship Goals, has also been helping me reevaluate how I forge relationships with the people around me and think about future relationships with people in college.
I like to reflect on the things I’m grateful for. Sometimes, I can only muster up one thing and that’s ok. It can be as simple as “I’m thankful it’s sunny outside.” It doesn’t have to be perfect but having at least one thing you’re grateful for can help to remind you that everything is going to be alright.
I love to read books and am a relatively fast reader. Lately, I have been reading more nonfiction books like Becoming by Michelle Obama, which was a phenomenal book that is a must read. Taking the time to read can help you to learn something new about your craft or help you to think more critically about the world around you.
I have a playlist that I made just for quarantine to motivate myself. I have played it just about everyday since quarantine started and I have continually added songs that I’ve found. Making a playlist might help you in order to dance it out or maybe work more efficiently.
Generally, my room is a hot mess. Even now while I’m writing this, there are some things I could improve on. But getting rid of things that are no longer worn or used can finally be thrown out. Maybe, if your like my mom, you can turn your old jeans into masks or maybe into some shorts. Either way, this can help you to declutter your life.
Start a new hobby
This blog was started to document our lives because we love to travel and now quarantine has given us time to develop something we’ve wanted to do for a while. You might have something you’ve always wanted to do, maybe it’s start a new business or write that book you’ve had for 15 years. This is your moment and who knows when you’ll have this much time on your hands again.
Cooking New Meals
Cooking new meals can help to add some spice in your life. They don’t have to be fancy and they can help you to not only differentiate the days but to also not get bored with the meals you have been eating. I like to make pasta dishes because Italian is my favorite however, I also enjoy the dishes my family has been trying out.